Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Garden Design Template: Gravel & Green
A trade article I read earlier this year, European sourced, blamed the lack of young'ish people gardening upon 'older' people being poor examples of gardeners. More than missing the boat, greater than missing it by a galaxy, they shot past our universe, to be wrong.
Whatever ! Not going there now.
Isolating Garden Design templates, you know, the ones that keep cropping up. (Sorry, too amusing, that horrible pun, it wasn't intended.")
Garden Design templates, all are centuries old, most are BCE.
What, oh what, to name them?
Continually, I'm doing Garden Design work, with no name. Tara Turf, for example.
I came to Garden Design, same as most of the herd. It's a pack animal belief system, especially in USA. "What do I want to do? I want this & this & that & etc. Oh, I love that, it will be wonderful in the front yard." Wilderness years. Money & effort, no results, aside from visual proof, arrogance, with zero use of intellect. Most, alas, never set foot into the wilderness years. No desire, I get that. Those getting into the wilderness, never quite pull themselves out.
A tiny few, decide to leave the wilderness and hire a Garden Designer. When I decided to leave the wilderness, zero funding. Off to college for a 2nd degree, this time, horticulture. Total bamboooozzzzzle was that USA horticulture degree. Next, off to study historic gardens across Europe for decades. Finally. True beginning, learning Garden Design.
Back to those Garden Design templates.
You're looking at one, below. Every element of a garden room is here, sky, ceiling, walls, chair rail, flooring, focal point, flow, function.
Gravel & Green.

Pic, above, here.
Wonder lies in each template. Intuitively, you know, "I can do this." Better, your mind/heart, understands and morphs the Gravel & Green into shapes, plantings, focal point, perfect, and original to you and your site's needs.
Now, this moment, whether you like the Gravel & Green template or not, mentally eradicate your existing Garden Design, replace it with Gravel & Green.
Fun, yes?
Garden & Be Well, XO T
BCE? Never saw, BCE, until I went to Israel and did the Foot Steps of Jesus tour. Two weeks of wonder & joy. Love Israel. Shock of seeing Jerusalem, from Mount of Olives, and realizing the West Bank is merely a Landscape Architecture construct. Going to a new settlement and realizing it is literally, Guns and Roses. Building new homes upon rock, bringing everything it takes to grow plants. Building settlements is Horticulture. Landscape Architecture & Horticulture in this humbling biblical place, from its earliest settling. Ironic, exactly where G*d first placed people, in a garden. Earth. BCE, Before Christ's Era.
Whatever ! Not going there now.
Isolating Garden Design templates, you know, the ones that keep cropping up. (Sorry, too amusing, that horrible pun, it wasn't intended.")
Garden Design templates, all are centuries old, most are BCE.
What, oh what, to name them?
Continually, I'm doing Garden Design work, with no name. Tara Turf, for example.
I came to Garden Design, same as most of the herd. It's a pack animal belief system, especially in USA. "What do I want to do? I want this & this & that & etc. Oh, I love that, it will be wonderful in the front yard." Wilderness years. Money & effort, no results, aside from visual proof, arrogance, with zero use of intellect. Most, alas, never set foot into the wilderness years. No desire, I get that. Those getting into the wilderness, never quite pull themselves out.
A tiny few, decide to leave the wilderness and hire a Garden Designer. When I decided to leave the wilderness, zero funding. Off to college for a 2nd degree, this time, horticulture. Total bamboooozzzzzle was that USA horticulture degree. Next, off to study historic gardens across Europe for decades. Finally. True beginning, learning Garden Design.
Back to those Garden Design templates.
You're looking at one, below. Every element of a garden room is here, sky, ceiling, walls, chair rail, flooring, focal point, flow, function.
Gravel & Green.
Pic, above, here.
Wonder lies in each template. Intuitively, you know, "I can do this." Better, your mind/heart, understands and morphs the Gravel & Green into shapes, plantings, focal point, perfect, and original to you and your site's needs.
Now, this moment, whether you like the Gravel & Green template or not, mentally eradicate your existing Garden Design, replace it with Gravel & Green.
Fun, yes?
Garden & Be Well, XO T
BCE? Never saw, BCE, until I went to Israel and did the Foot Steps of Jesus tour. Two weeks of wonder & joy. Love Israel. Shock of seeing Jerusalem, from Mount of Olives, and realizing the West Bank is merely a Landscape Architecture construct. Going to a new settlement and realizing it is literally, Guns and Roses. Building new homes upon rock, bringing everything it takes to grow plants. Building settlements is Horticulture. Landscape Architecture & Horticulture in this humbling biblical place, from its earliest settling. Ironic, exactly where G*d first placed people, in a garden. Earth. BCE, Before Christ's Era.